Career Launchpad

The bridge between academia & industry.

A little bit
about us

Career Launchpad stands out for its commitment to innovation, excellence, and tangible results. We focus on building a culture of continuous learning, helping both individuals and organizations stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. Our programs are designed to drive success and foster a sense of growth and achievement.

Whether you’re a graduate seeking career opportunities or an organization looking for top-tier talent, CLP is here to help.

Why we're the perfect fit

With a placement rate of 127%, our program has successfully placed individuals in leading organizations both within and outside the country, driving significant career growth. Whether you're an aspiring professional or a corporation seeking talent solutions, Career Launchpad is here to support your journey.

How we work?

Soft skill Development

We foster essential soft skills for smooth integration into the company culture.

Skill Assessment

We evaluate each student’s strengths and aspirations for targeted development and placement.

Cultural Awareness Training

We provide training to familiarize students with corporate norms and etiquette.


We enhance their mindset to think like entrepreneurs for effective problem-solving.

How we develop a graduate into a smart professional?


Soft Skill Development
We foster essential soft skills for smooth integration into the company culture.


Skill Assessment

We evaluate each student’s strength and aspirations for targeted development and placement.


Cultural Awareness

We provide training to familiarise students with corporate norms and etiquettes.


Entrepreneurial Mindset
We enhance their mindset to think like entrepreneurs for effective problem solving.

How we develop a graduate into a smart professional?


Soft Skill Development
We foster essential soft skills for smooth integration into the company culture.


Skill Assessment

We evaluate each student’s strength and aspirations for targeted development and placement.


Cultural Awareness

We provide training to familiarise students with corporate norms and etiquettes.


Entrepreneurial Mindset
We enhance their mindset to think like entrepreneurs for effective problem solving.

Our Academic Partners

Our Network

Our Team

Parvez Abbasi


Mahad Imran


Sibgha Batool


Abdur Rafay


Ahmad Tehseen


Meher Khan

Alumni Outreach

Bassil Masood


Maheen Waqar


Get In Touch

Whether you’re a graduate seeking career opportunities or an organization looking for top-tier talent, we’ve got you covered.